Cut Flower Garden Planning

A close-up of the Cafe Au Lait Dahlia from last year’s garden.

A close-up of the Cafe Au Lait Dahlia from last year’s garden.


With most things dormant in the garden right now, it is the perfect time to begin planning for this new year’s garden growth. It is funny how your design tastes change over time. A garden design really isn’t any different. As we grow and change with passing time, so does our garden. I am always moving plants, and replacing plants. It seems to be a constant ongoing chore, but I am not complaining. It is one of the things I love most to do. It is so relaxing to just ponder in the garden and re-imagine it.

My seeds purchased from Floret Flower Farm online.

My seeds purchased from Floret Flower Farm online.

Last year, I discovered Erin Benzakein author of Floret Flower Farm’s book called Cut Flower Garden about growing your own flowers for cutting. So for Mother’s Day, my husband made me a flower box in the backyard to grow my own flowers for bouquets. I planted a few things to try at the end of last year. I grew some Cafe Au Lait Dahlia’s which I saw on Pinterest and in Erin’s book . I ordered the seeds online and planted them. They were very easy to grow. I was delighted by the results and inspired to grow more.

Now that winter is here, intrigued by the concept of growing flowers just for cutting, I decided I needed to plan out my flower box for this new year. I got the notice that Floret Flower Farm was releasing it’s seeds for this year and purchased some to try in my flower box.

I chose seeds strictly for their color and bloom style. I also chose colors that I thought I could use throughout the different seasons and that worked well with my home’s decor. I have some spring bloomers and some fall. As time goes by I’ll add the fall bulbs for the winter months. What I also really love about the seeds from Erin’s farm is that since the flowers are grown for cutting, she has some taller varieties you might not find at the local nursery.

My seeds have begun to sprout up already!

My seeds have begun to sprout up already!

I think there is definitely a lot you can learn from someone like Erin who grows flowers for a living and in mass quantity. The succession of planting, or constantly planting each month so you have a continual wave of blooms. Planting close together so you can maximize your space and get the most production possible from what planting area you have. As a designer something that I’ve learn over time is how very important repetition is in a garden. When plants are grown in succession, they really look beautiful especially in bloom.

Having a good plan in place really helps you fulfill your vision. As for my garden box, the seeds are planted. Now we wait with excited expectation for the harvest of blooms that will come forth soon.


Take care,


A visit to Balboa Island

On the ferry arriving back to Balboa Pier.

On the ferry arriving back to Balboa Pier.

A view of the harbor from Balboa Island.

A view of the harbor from Balboa Island.

We recently traveled down to LA to bring our daughter home from college for the summer.  Before our visit as we planned out our itinerary, a friend suggested we make a visit to Newport Beach and Balboa Island.  It sounded like fun; so we decided to pick a day and go for it.  

A view of Balboa Island.

A view of Balboa Island.


Located near Costa Mesa, California,  Balboa Island is in the center of a peninsula at Newport Beach.  You can take a ferry ride over to the Island just a short distance away for $1 each way.  The architecture there is very quaint, and there is a nice boardwalk you can walk down with a view of the harbor full of sailboats, yachts, and other vessels.  One of the things that struck me as I was walking around was how each little cottage or home was unique.  Some are very beachy, others had a Mediterranean style, some modern, but most all quite cared for.  

I thought this little cottage was cute.

I thought this little cottage was cute.

I also observed how well all of the flowers grow and thrive in this area with the moderate temperatures.  As I walked along down the path with my family, my mother-in-law and I were quite mesmerized by some of the So Cal native plants.  One, in particular, was the Matilija Poppy.  It is so beautiful with its light airy petals and bright yellow pom-pom center.  They were quite cheerful looking lining some of the homes we passed by.  The attention to detail in the front yard flower plantings of these beach front gardens was so lovely.  

Here's a close-up pic I took of the Matilija Poppies.  I love their delicate white wavy petals.  They are about 4 inches in diameter.

Here's a close-up pic I took of the Matilija Poppies.  I love their delicate white wavy petals.  They are about 4 inches in diameter.

This magenta Bougainvillea captivated our attention.

This magenta Bougainvillea captivated our attention.

The flowers in combination with the beautiful water view, sailboats, and sand was charming.  There isn't a lot to do on Balboa Island itself, but it would be a great place to stay for a relaxing weekend at a B & B.  It is in a great location, and there are lots of other things around it that you can do, like shopping some of the boutiques along the pier.  If you like the ocean, it is a great place to take some pretty photos as well.  It was definitely a fun adventure, and we all enjoyed our day.  

Walking along the island path.

Walking along the island path.

Take care,
