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How to pick the perfect paint color

 With the endless choices available to consumers today, how does one pick the perfect paint color for a room or home?  Not everyone has the ability to imagine or picture how the elements of a room can come together.  Interior design professionals have this ability as well as training on color theory.  When designing a room or space they imagine all the elements together.  This is really important because the elements of a room need to relate to each other and coordinate well.  When purchasing items for a room, including paint colors or wall coverings, it is necessary to group the different room elements together to make accurate decisions when it comes to color selection.  These design elements would be your flooring, wall covering, fabrics, furniture, cabinetry, counter top, back splash, and light fixtures for example.  They make up the main design materials of your room or space.

For example, say you have chosen a counter stone and tile for a bathroom, but still need to choose paint for your walls, trim and ceiling.  You'll need to look at the other elements of the room as well like cabinetry and flooring.  Each material chosen for the design adds another layer, texture and component of the design.  If the different elements are chosen separately and independently, but don't relate well to each other, you won't get the best outcome.  Your design won't be as pleasing or cohesive.

Knowing that all the materials need to be grouped together to help with paint color selection, where does the inspiration come from to select a color? How do you pick that perfect paint color? Design inspiration can come from anywhere.  You could pull a color from one of the materials you are selecting for your design. You can also take inspiration from the things you love and enjoy.  You can look at nature,  landscapes of the ocean, the mountains, etc.  Maybe you have a favorite painting, a beautiful patterned fabric, a favorite flower, or even a favorite piece of clothing.  Any one of these could be the inspiration for a space.  One thing is for sure,  it should definitely be something that makes you feel comfortable and appeals to you.  Often times we are drawn to the same kinds of colors.  When you look at things you like, you'll notice you're probably  drawn to a repeat or pattern of colors.  This is also another great way to decide which kind of colors you should use.

Examining all the elements or design materials, drawing from your favorite color inspiration, the interior designer will create a custom color palette for you.  This initial color palette idea may be just the preliminary idea for a room.  It might be based off of something that inspires you like the sand and the ocean.  Then as the design of your room begins to take shape, and you've selected your room materials, it might change slightly.  As the elements of the room become confirmed and purchased, the color palette will be also.  By grouping all the materials and selections, you can make sure you end up with the best possible outcome for color.  If you find that you are still struggling with what color to choose for your room or space, you can check out my custom color palette service here.

Take care,
